Elite6 Business Networking » All Posts http://elite6.co.nz/forums/forum/classifieds/web-design-and-development-services/feed/ Sun, 09 Apr 2017 21:51:10 +0000 http://bbpress.org/?v=2.5.12-6148 en-US http://elite6.co.nz/forums/topic/no-setup-fee-wordpress/#post-59517 <![CDATA[NO SETUP FEE – WordPress]]> http://elite6.co.nz/forums/topic/no-setup-fee-wordpress/#post-59517 Wed, 05 Oct 2016 09:40:34 +0000 Danny de Hek I have been Designing, Developing and Hosting Websites since 1995 and I feel the service and strategies I offer are the best in the industry. I provide affordable website packages for small to medium businesses and deliver results for my steadily growing clientele.

Having a powerful and dependable Content Management System is becoming less of an option and more of a need. Below I have outlined one of the best Content Management Systems.

One very popular feature of Content Management Systems is its plugins, these allow us as developers to extend its abilities beyond the core installation, they enable us to provide leading edge Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques, payment gateways, robot spam control, social networking tools, statistics etc. WordPress currently has over 24,000 plugins! The danger is they can be poorly written or improperly coded and can jeopardise the security and performance of the website and our network. For this reason we limit the installation of only tested and approved plugins.


WordPress is the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS) used by 70+ millions of websites. It is free to install, deploy, and upgrade. Thousands of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, which reduces cost and deployment time.

The service we provide for $59+ GST per month hosts your website on our locally based server. We monitor your website to ensure it has the latest security patches, we look after your domain names and provide server-based email forwarding and make the process of setting up a site and running it as smooth as possible.

The Multi-Purpose Business WordPress Theme we supply is all you need. Once it is setup you can login, publish and manage your own content, there are many options to easily customise the theme to create a unique look and feel. If required we will guide you through the process with our 60 Day Technical Support.

Get started today! NO SETUP FEE. WordPress Hosting, Maintenance and Promotion Package from $59 +GST per month (first months payment in advance) Includes; Domain Setup, Email Forwarding and 60 Day Technical Support.
