BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Elite6 Business Networking - ECPv4.6.10.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Elite6 Business Networking X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Elite6 Business Networking BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180116T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180116T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180506 CREATED:20180110T090530Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T090530Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Ferrymead DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Ferrymead group\, which has been running since March 2016.\nDay: Every Tuesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Ten27 Coffee . Eatery . Bar\nLocation: 1027 Ferry Road\, Woolston\, Christchurch 8023.\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 Ferrymead is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Ferrymead.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:1027 Ferry Road\, Christchurch\, 8023\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5570811;172.7040925 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1027 Ferry Road Christchurch 8023 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1027 Ferry Road:geo:172.7040925,-43.5570811 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180116T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180116T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T091425Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T091532Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Sydenham DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Sydenham group\, which has been running since April 2013.\nDay: Every Tuesdays\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Sugarhorse Bar & Eatery\nLocation: Unit 3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave\, Addington\, Christchurch 8011.\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nOur common goal is getting to know and support each other\, growing our businesses together\, and giving good quality referrals.\nThis exciting group has developed a core of enthusiastic members but there’s plenty of room left for you and your business. So come and visit to see what we’re about.\nIf you’d like to join us for a coffee & meeting give me a call.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:Unit3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8011\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5404707;172.6243674 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Unit3 100 Moorhouse Ave Christchurch Canterbury 8011 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Unit3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave:geo:172.6243674,-43.5404707 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180117T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180117T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T091936Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T091936Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Rangiora DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Debs Taylor-Hayhurst the facilitator of the Elite6 Rangiora group\, which has been running since September 2013.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Artisan by Rangiora Bakery\nLocation: 18 High Street\, Rangiora 7400.\nMembers: The Industry List\nOne of the hardest things for people to do is network with strangers\, this great group is friendly and supportive and is keen to help people develop their networking skills\, help grow each other’s business and become friends.\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t mind early starts\, this group will work for you to get referrals\, business ideas\, personal & business support and even put a little humour into your business week.\nOur common goal is getting to know and support each other\, growing our businesses together\, and giving good quality referrals. This exciting new group has already developed a core group of enthusiastic members but there’s plenty of room left for you and your business.\nSo come and visit to see what we’re about. If you’d like to join us for a coffee & meeting give me a call.\nDebs Taylor-Hayhurst\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: 021 863 877\n Email: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:18 High Street\, Christchurch\, 7440\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5774899;172.7696536 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=18 High Street Christchurch 7440 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=18 High Street:geo:172.7696536,-43.5774899 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180117T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180117T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T092318Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T092318Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Upper Riccarton DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Upper Riccarton group\, which has been running since April 2014.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Joe’s Garage Riccarton\nLocation: 7 Leslie St\, Upper Riccarton\, Christchurch 8041.\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 Upper Riccarton is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:7 Leslie Street\, Christchurch\, 8041\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5440576;172.6011102 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=7 Leslie Street Christchurch 8041 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=7 Leslie Street:geo:172.6011102,-43.5440576 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180117T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180117T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T092934Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T093240Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Papanui DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m David Clarkson the facilitator of the Elite6 Papanui group\, which has been running since October 2015.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Bealey’s Speight’s Ale House\nLocation: 263 Bealey Ave\, Christchurch Central\, Christchurch 8013\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nElite6 Papanui is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough these regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDavid Clarkson\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: 027 676 6870\nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:263 Bealey Avenue\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8013\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5204212;172.644311 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=263 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Canterbury 8013 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=263 Bealey Avenue:geo:172.644311,-43.5204212 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180118T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180118T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T093913Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T093913Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 New Brighton DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 New Brighton\, which has been running since September 2016.\nDay: Every Thursday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Argo\nLocation: Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton\, Christchurch 8061\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 New Brighton is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in New Brighton.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8061\, New Zealand GEO:-43.4860956;172.7221084 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Level 1 215 Marine Parade New Brighton Christchurch Canterbury 8061 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton:geo:172.7221084,-43.4860956 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180118T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180118T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T094237Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T094237Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Belfast DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Belfast\, which has been running since June 2016.\nDay: Every Thursday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Styx and Stone\nLocation: 1 Radcliffe Rd\, Belfast\, Christchurch 8051.\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nElite6 Belfast is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough these regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:1 Radcliffe Road\, Christchurch\, 8051\, New Zealand GEO:-43.4603122;172.6237238 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1 Radcliffe Road Christchurch 8051 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1 Radcliffe Road:geo:172.6237238,-43.4603122 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+13:20180118T184500 DTEND;TZID=UTC+13:20180118T210000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T160713Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180128T000924Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Being Sensational Seminar DESCRIPTION:Your clothing is an expression of who you are and by discovering your dressing style your clothes will feel truly you. This is a life changing experience and will have you looking and feeling sensational everyday. \nYou will learn how: \nColour makes a difference on all levels of your being\nHow to create your personel dressing style\nTake the ‘shoulds’ out of fashion and buying\nYour body shape and proportion determines what style lines are most flattering\nFeeling happy about the way you look\nA 4 principle dressing system will have you shopping like an expert\nFeeling confident with the choices you make\nEmpowering yourself to be more of who you truly are!\nStart 2018 with success in mind and body \n URL: CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180119T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180119T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T094750Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T094750Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Central DESCRIPTION:\nHi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Central group\, which has been running since January 2017.\nDay: Every Friday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Bealey’s Speight’s Ale House\nLocation: 263 Bealey Ave\, Christchurch Central\, Christchurch 8013\nMembers: The Industry List\nThis is our MasterClass. At each meeting Danny will deliver a 15-minute presentation on using or setting up social media platforms and business apps.\nElite6 Central is different to other Elite6 Groups – not limited to just one member of each industry. It is open to all Elite6 members as long as they regularly attend their own ‘home’ meeting.\nThe purpose of this meeting is to provide an environment were you can meet Elite6 Members from other groups. This is also a place were we can introduce people to Elite6 – prospective members can attend this group before being allocated their own group – this will be used if we couldn’t accommodate them immediately due to industry conflicts.\nEach week I will personally endeavour to educate members and visitors in different aspects of technology and social media. Meetings will be run in the same format as other groups however the 15 min speaker slot will be more education focused.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:263 Bealey Avenue\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8013\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5204212;172.644311 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=263 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Canterbury 8013 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=263 Bealey Avenue:geo:172.644311,-43.5204212 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+13:20180122T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC+13:20180122T210000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180112T102644Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180120T103749Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:The 8 Week Challenge - Anytime Fitness Rangiora DESCRIPTION:The 8 Week Challenge \nAre you up for it? \nStarting on 22 January 8 Weeks of help\, motivation\, fun and focus to get you to a healthier place. \nIncluded:\n– Before and After Bodyscan\n– Before and After Photos\n– Bodycore supplements\n– Expert Nutrition Advice\n– Recipes\, daily workouts\, fitness tips and motivation.\n– Weekly prizes\n– Incentives to join local active events and family days \nPrize Giving at the end with Hanmer Springs accommodation up for grabs plus free memberships\, Anytime dollars and Stirling Sports vouchers! \nThis will be an awesome way to start the year. Only $75 per to join in the challenge. Optional extra Bootcamp classes at just £10. \nSpeak to the Anytime Rangiora team to get involved. \n#noexcuses #yourlifeyourbodyyourhealth What are you waiting for? \n URL: LOCATION:194 King Street Rangiora\, Rangiora\, 7400\, New Zealand GEO:-43.3031135;172.5905748 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=194 King Street Rangiora Rangiora 7400 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=194 King Street Rangiora:geo:172.5905748,-43.3031135 CATEGORIES:Sports & Outdoors ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180123T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180123T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T090530Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T090530Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Ferrymead DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Ferrymead group\, which has been running since March 2016.\nDay: Every Tuesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Ten27 Coffee . Eatery . Bar\nLocation: 1027 Ferry Road\, Woolston\, Christchurch 8023.\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 Ferrymead is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Ferrymead.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:1027 Ferry Road\, Christchurch\, 8023\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5570811;172.7040925 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1027 Ferry Road Christchurch 8023 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1027 Ferry Road:geo:172.7040925,-43.5570811 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180123T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180123T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T091425Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T091532Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Sydenham DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Sydenham group\, which has been running since April 2013.\nDay: Every Tuesdays\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Sugarhorse Bar & Eatery\nLocation: Unit 3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave\, Addington\, Christchurch 8011.\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nOur common goal is getting to know and support each other\, growing our businesses together\, and giving good quality referrals.\nThis exciting group has developed a core of enthusiastic members but there’s plenty of room left for you and your business. So come and visit to see what we’re about.\nIf you’d like to join us for a coffee & meeting give me a call.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:Unit3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8011\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5404707;172.6243674 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Unit3 100 Moorhouse Ave Christchurch Canterbury 8011 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Unit3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave:geo:172.6243674,-43.5404707 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180124T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180124T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T091936Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T091936Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Rangiora DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Debs Taylor-Hayhurst the facilitator of the Elite6 Rangiora group\, which has been running since September 2013.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Artisan by Rangiora Bakery\nLocation: 18 High Street\, Rangiora 7400.\nMembers: The Industry List\nOne of the hardest things for people to do is network with strangers\, this great group is friendly and supportive and is keen to help people develop their networking skills\, help grow each other’s business and become friends.\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t mind early starts\, this group will work for you to get referrals\, business ideas\, personal & business support and even put a little humour into your business week.\nOur common goal is getting to know and support each other\, growing our businesses together\, and giving good quality referrals. This exciting new group has already developed a core group of enthusiastic members but there’s plenty of room left for you and your business.\nSo come and visit to see what we’re about. If you’d like to join us for a coffee & meeting give me a call.\nDebs Taylor-Hayhurst\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: 021 863 877\n Email: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:18 High Street\, Christchurch\, 7440\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5774899;172.7696536 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=18 High Street Christchurch 7440 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=18 High Street:geo:172.7696536,-43.5774899 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180124T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180124T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T092318Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T092318Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Upper Riccarton DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Upper Riccarton group\, which has been running since April 2014.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Joe’s Garage Riccarton\nLocation: 7 Leslie St\, Upper Riccarton\, Christchurch 8041.\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 Upper Riccarton is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:7 Leslie Street\, Christchurch\, 8041\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5440576;172.6011102 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=7 Leslie Street Christchurch 8041 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=7 Leslie Street:geo:172.6011102,-43.5440576 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180124T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180124T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T092934Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T093240Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Papanui DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m David Clarkson the facilitator of the Elite6 Papanui group\, which has been running since October 2015.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Bealey’s Speight’s Ale House\nLocation: 263 Bealey Ave\, Christchurch Central\, Christchurch 8013\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nElite6 Papanui is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough these regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDavid Clarkson\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: 027 676 6870\nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:263 Bealey Avenue\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8013\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5204212;172.644311 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=263 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Canterbury 8013 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=263 Bealey Avenue:geo:172.644311,-43.5204212 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180125T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180125T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T093913Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T093913Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 New Brighton DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 New Brighton\, which has been running since September 2016.\nDay: Every Thursday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Argo\nLocation: Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton\, Christchurch 8061\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 New Brighton is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in New Brighton.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8061\, New Zealand GEO:-43.4860956;172.7221084 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Level 1 215 Marine Parade New Brighton Christchurch Canterbury 8061 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton:geo:172.7221084,-43.4860956 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180125T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180125T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T094237Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T094237Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Belfast DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Belfast\, which has been running since June 2016.\nDay: Every Thursday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Styx and Stone\nLocation: 1 Radcliffe Rd\, Belfast\, Christchurch 8051.\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nElite6 Belfast is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough these regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:1 Radcliffe Road\, Christchurch\, 8051\, New Zealand GEO:-43.4603122;172.6237238 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1 Radcliffe Road Christchurch 8051 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1 Radcliffe Road:geo:172.6237238,-43.4603122 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180126T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180126T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T094750Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T094750Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Central DESCRIPTION:\nHi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Central group\, which has been running since January 2017.\nDay: Every Friday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Bealey’s Speight’s Ale House\nLocation: 263 Bealey Ave\, Christchurch Central\, Christchurch 8013\nMembers: The Industry List\nThis is our MasterClass. At each meeting Danny will deliver a 15-minute presentation on using or setting up social media platforms and business apps.\nElite6 Central is different to other Elite6 Groups – not limited to just one member of each industry. It is open to all Elite6 members as long as they regularly attend their own ‘home’ meeting.\nThe purpose of this meeting is to provide an environment were you can meet Elite6 Members from other groups. This is also a place were we can introduce people to Elite6 – prospective members can attend this group before being allocated their own group – this will be used if we couldn’t accommodate them immediately due to industry conflicts.\nEach week I will personally endeavour to educate members and visitors in different aspects of technology and social media. Meetings will be run in the same format as other groups however the 15 min speaker slot will be more education focused.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:263 Bealey Avenue\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8013\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5204212;172.644311 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=263 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Canterbury 8013 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=263 Bealey Avenue:geo:172.644311,-43.5204212 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180130T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180130T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T090530Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T090530Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Ferrymead DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Ferrymead group\, which has been running since March 2016.\nDay: Every Tuesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Ten27 Coffee . Eatery . Bar\nLocation: 1027 Ferry Road\, Woolston\, Christchurch 8023.\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 Ferrymead is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Ferrymead.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:1027 Ferry Road\, Christchurch\, 8023\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5570811;172.7040925 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1027 Ferry Road Christchurch 8023 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1027 Ferry Road:geo:172.7040925,-43.5570811 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180130T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180130T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T091425Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T091533Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Sydenham DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Sydenham group\, which has been running since April 2013.\nDay: Every Tuesdays\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Sugarhorse Bar & Eatery\nLocation: Unit 3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave\, Addington\, Christchurch 8011.\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nOur common goal is getting to know and support each other\, growing our businesses together\, and giving good quality referrals.\nThis exciting group has developed a core of enthusiastic members but there’s plenty of room left for you and your business. So come and visit to see what we’re about.\nIf you’d like to join us for a coffee & meeting give me a call.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:Unit3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8011\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5404707;172.6243674 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Unit3 100 Moorhouse Ave Christchurch Canterbury 8011 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Unit3\, 100 Moorhouse Ave:geo:172.6243674,-43.5404707 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180131T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180131T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T091936Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T091936Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Rangiora DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Debs Taylor-Hayhurst the facilitator of the Elite6 Rangiora group\, which has been running since September 2013.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Artisan by Rangiora Bakery\nLocation: 18 High Street\, Rangiora 7400.\nMembers: The Industry List\nOne of the hardest things for people to do is network with strangers\, this great group is friendly and supportive and is keen to help people develop their networking skills\, help grow each other’s business and become friends.\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t mind early starts\, this group will work for you to get referrals\, business ideas\, personal & business support and even put a little humour into your business week.\nOur common goal is getting to know and support each other\, growing our businesses together\, and giving good quality referrals. This exciting new group has already developed a core group of enthusiastic members but there’s plenty of room left for you and your business.\nSo come and visit to see what we’re about. If you’d like to join us for a coffee & meeting give me a call.\nDebs Taylor-Hayhurst\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: 021 863 877\n Email: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:18 High Street\, Christchurch\, 7440\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5774899;172.7696536 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=18 High Street Christchurch 7440 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=18 High Street:geo:172.7696536,-43.5774899 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180131T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180131T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T092318Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T092318Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Upper Riccarton DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Upper Riccarton group\, which has been running since April 2014.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Joe’s Garage Riccarton\nLocation: 7 Leslie St\, Upper Riccarton\, Christchurch 8041.\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 Upper Riccarton is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:7 Leslie Street\, Christchurch\, 8041\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5440576;172.6011102 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=7 Leslie Street Christchurch 8041 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=7 Leslie Street:geo:172.6011102,-43.5440576 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180131T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180131T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T092934Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T093242Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Papanui DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m David Clarkson the facilitator of the Elite6 Papanui group\, which has been running since October 2015.\nDay: Every Wednesday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Bealey’s Speight’s Ale House\nLocation: 263 Bealey Ave\, Christchurch Central\, Christchurch 8013\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nElite6 Papanui is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough these regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDavid Clarkson\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: 027 676 6870\nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:263 Bealey Avenue\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8013\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5204212;172.644311 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=263 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Canterbury 8013 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=263 Bealey Avenue:geo:172.644311,-43.5204212 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180201T073000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180201T083000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T093913Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T093913Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 New Brighton DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 New Brighton\, which has been running since September 2016.\nDay: Every Thursday\nTime: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Argo\nLocation: Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton\, Christchurch 8061\nMembers: The Industry List\nElite6 New Brighton is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in New Brighton.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8061\, New Zealand GEO:-43.4860956;172.7221084 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Level 1 215 Marine Parade New Brighton Christchurch Canterbury 8061 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=Level 1\, 215 Marine Parade\, New Brighton:geo:172.7221084,-43.4860956 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180201T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180201T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T094237Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T094237Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Belfast DESCRIPTION:Hi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Belfast\, which has been running since June 2016.\nDay: Every Thursday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Styx and Stone\nLocation: 1 Radcliffe Rd\, Belfast\, Christchurch 8051.\nMembers: The Industry List\nIdeally suited to Business owners who don’t like early starts\, work afternoon-evening hours\, have greater work flexibility or whose networking is restricted by school commitments.\nElite6 Belfast is an exciting\, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared\, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.\nEach week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.\nThrough these regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking\, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.\nOur goal is to bring together hard-working\, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Christchurch.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:1 Radcliffe Road\, Christchurch\, 8051\, New Zealand GEO:-43.4603122;172.6237238 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1 Radcliffe Road Christchurch 8051 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1 Radcliffe Road:geo:172.6237238,-43.4603122 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180202T093000 DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180202T103000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T094750Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T094750Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Elite6 Central DESCRIPTION:\nHi\, I’m Danny de Hek the facilitator of the Elite6 Central group\, which has been running since January 2017.\nDay: Every Friday\nTime: 9:30am – 10:30am (Arrive 9.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)\nVenue: Bealey’s Speight’s Ale House\nLocation: 263 Bealey Ave\, Christchurch Central\, Christchurch 8013\nMembers: The Industry List\nThis is our MasterClass. At each meeting Danny will deliver a 15-minute presentation on using or setting up social media platforms and business apps.\nElite6 Central is different to other Elite6 Groups – not limited to just one member of each industry. It is open to all Elite6 members as long as they regularly attend their own ‘home’ meeting.\nThe purpose of this meeting is to provide an environment were you can meet Elite6 Members from other groups. This is also a place were we can introduce people to Elite6 – prospective members can attend this group before being allocated their own group – this will be used if we couldn’t accommodate them immediately due to industry conflicts.\nEach week I will personally endeavour to educate members and visitors in different aspects of technology and social media. Meetings will be run in the same format as other groups however the 15 min speaker slot will be more education focused.\nIf this sounds like you then come along and check it out!\nLook forward to seeing you soon.\nDanny de Hek\nElite6 Facilitator\nMobile: \nEmail: [email protected]\n URL: LOCATION:263 Bealey Avenue\, Christchurch\, Canterbury\, 8013\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5204212;172.644311 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=263 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Canterbury 8013 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=263 Bealey Avenue:geo:172.644311,-43.5204212 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Danny%20de%20Hek":MAILTO: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+13:20180202T123000 DTEND;TZID=UTC+13:20180202T143000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T233725Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180127T213750Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Speech Coaching Business Programme - 5 weeks/2-hr sessions DESCRIPTION:CONQUER YOUR FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING – booking essential \n5 x 2-hour sessions over 5 weeks for up to 5 people \nFor those who lack confidence and nervous about giving presentation \nConquer your nervousness; add impact to your presentations and improve your communication skills \nGain new skills\, improve existing skills\, develop self-confidence in giving presentations \nPROGRAMME INCLUDES:\n– TEN HOURS of practical and informational sessions\n– Receive feedback\, practical advice\, handouts\, tips and tools\n– PLUS on-call support during the programme \nTo register: Email – [email protected] \nDates: Friday 2 February Friday 2 March inclusive \nTime: 12.30pm – 2.30pm \nVenue: Carlton Bar & Restaurant\, cnr Papanui & Bealey \nCan’t manage those dates? Just register your expression of interest – we hold several programmes during the year. \n URL: LOCATION:1/478 Cranford Street\, Christchurch\, 8051\, New Zealand CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC+13:20180202T123000 DTEND;TZID=UTC+13:20180202T143000 DTSTAMP:20180128T180507 CREATED:20180110T233725Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180110T233725Z UID:[email protected] SUMMARY:Speech Coaching Business Programme - 5 weeks/2-hr sessions DESCRIPTION:CONQUER YOUR FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING – booking essential \n5 x 2-hour sessions over 5 weeks for up to 5 people \nFor those who lack confidence and nervous about giving presentation \nConquer your nervousness; add impact to your presentations and improve your communication skills \nGain new skills\, improve existing skills\, develop self-confidence in giving presentations \nPROGRAMME INCLUDES:\n– TEN HOURS of practical and informational sessions\n– Receive feedback\, practical advice\, handouts\, tips and tools\n– PLUS on-call support during the programme \nTo register: Email – [email protected] \nDates: Friday 2 February Friday 2 March inclusive \nTime: 12.30pm – 2.30pm \nVenue: Carlton Bar & Restaurant\, cnr Papanui & Bealey \nCan’t manage those dates? Just register your expression of interest – we hold several programmes during the year. \n URL: LOCATION:1 Papanui rd\, Christchurch\, 8146\, New Zealand GEO:-43.5205828;172.6274551 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=1 Papanui rd Christchurch 8146 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=1 Papanui rd:geo:172.6274551,-43.5205828 CATEGORIES:Workshops, Conferences & Classes ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR