Sharon Layton – Quinovic Merivale

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Sharon Layton – Quinovic Merivale 2016-11-18T12:29:21+00:00

Project Description

Sharon Layton – Quinovic Merivale

Sharon Layton - Quinovic Merivale

Phone: 03 355 0348
Mobile: 027 355 0359
Email: [email protected]

Company: Quinovic Merivale

Location Map


Quinovic Merivale owner and operator Sharon Layton has a Masters Degree in Business Management from Massey University.

She spent 10 years in London honing her business skills – five in the hospitality industry and a further five heading up her own personal security company – before returning to New Zealand and becoming part of the Quinovic success story in 2007.

Since then Quinovic Merivale has gone from strength to strength. This dynamic property management team has received national recognition for being one of the top five offices in the group for overall performance every year since opening its doors for business.

With extensive business acumen, in-depth knowledge of property portfolios and the Christchurch rental market in particular, Sharon is just the person to help you maximise your property portfolio.

She and her friendly team want to make every interaction with their office a happy, successful one. Making customers feel at home when they call the office, or call into the office, is all part of the service.

Every member of the team is professional, friendly, and committed to providing property management that not only meets clients’ requirements, but exceeds their expectations too. Every time they deal with us!

Quinovic Merivale

Not all property management companies are equal. Some in the property sector offer property management as a service; others are small home-run businesses with limited experience, resources and backup.

And then there’s Quinovic – the largest network of independently owned property management companies in New Zealand. Established more than 25 years ago, it has been solely focussed on residential property management since its inception.

Quinovic Merivale is a proud member of this successful organisation’s growing nationwide network of independently owned and operated franchises.

We don’t sell property. Our focus is on exceptional property management. We work for owners by working with their tenants.

Our proven financial and tenant management systems are all designed to provide owners with peace of mind that their properties are kept safe and in good repair.

If you are an Investor we have the knowledge, experience and commitment to make your property portfolio work harder and smarter for you, as well as increasing your return on investment.

If you’re a tenant looking for a suitable home where you can settle and be happy, we can highly recommend any of the owners in our extensive portfolio as landlords.

Quinovic Merivale is known for its exceptional customer service; clear and concise communication; proactive and fast problem solving ability.

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