Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

Debra Taylor - Success FactorThe Importance of Setting Goals..

Tony Robbins quoted: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

As business owners, we are often ‘Jack of all trades’ because we think it will achieve a means to an end quicker and easier, particularly when we have deadlines to meet and goals to achieve – but does it?

I’m a great believer in seeking help, advice or guidance from those people who can provide us with their expertise in areas we are not so strong in. It’s not a sign of weakness, but instead a sign of strength!

We all have strengths and weaknesses and expertise in our own field, but likewise we also have gaps in our knowledge and expertise – so mind the gap!

I am sure, like me you seek advice from those ‘experts’ below for advice at some point in our lives and sometimes more than once!

  • Legal – lawyer

  • Insurance – Insurance Advisor

  • Mortgage – Mortgage Advisor

  • Fitness – Gym Instructor

  • Finance – Accountant

But WHOM do you seek advice or guidance from for your business?

Particularly when like most of us this is our main source of income!

Is this you?

  1. Do you have your own business?

  2. Is your business your main or only source of income?

  3. Does your business pay for your biggest expenditure?

AND if this you?

  • No work-life balance

  • Having ideas but no goals

  • Feeling over-whelmed or stressed!

AND if this what you want and need?

  • Clear on work or life purpose

  • More confidence

  • Improved work performance

  • Better time management

  • To achieve your goals

If you answer YES to most of these questions, then consider reaching out to a business coach or mentor.

Mind the Gap and reach out to those who can help you achieve your goals so you can get on with what you are good at by helping others in your area of expertise.

By | 2017-01-24T22:21:16+00:00 Tuesday, 24 January 2017|Personal Development|0 Comments

About the Author:

Debs Taylor-Hayhurst
Debs moved to New Zealand in 2007, is married to Jeff, lives in North Canterbury and loves the kiwi lifestyle. Between them, Debs and Jeff have 6 children and 10 grandchildren who all live in England. She visits every year to spend special quality time with them all. Using a tailored approach Success Factor invests in people and businesses, by providing them with the tools to reach their full potential through result based services, by working together to make a difference. Debs is a qualified Life Coach, with the NZ Institute of Business Studies (NZIBS), hold a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), studied in Humanities and Social Science and tutored First Line Management courses levels 3 and 4 at Aoraki Polytechnic as well as setting up and running other training programmes, conferences and workshops. Debs is a professional public speaker, a member of Toastmasters International since 1992, has held national and training roles in NZ, and is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). Debs is also a member of the National Speakers Association NZ (NSANZ).

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