Where There’s a Will there’s a Way
We end up having this argument with ourselves – on the one hand we have the willpower to get these things done, but our imagination completely takes over and not only leads the way but wins!
We end up having this argument with ourselves – on the one hand we have the willpower to get these things done, but our imagination completely takes over and not only leads the way but wins!
Sometimes things happen in our lives that turn us inside out and back to front, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job or our health
When we think of positive thinking, what do we think about? Stopping negative thinking; starting positive thinking! Black vs White! Supposedly easy, but easier said than done!
Have you ever thought that things we can think of a strength are often a weakness? Take being a multi-tasker for example, we call it juggling many balls in the air.
I’m sure like me there are some days when you wish you were the pilot and other days the passenger.
Our fears cause us to avoid things in our business or working lives stopping us achieving. We all have fears, whether it’s fear of success or failure; fear of change or public speaking; fear of changing jobs or starting up a new business.
Are you like a bird in the wind flying on the thermals with a clear direction of where you’re going before you take off, or are you making it up as you go along, deciding on a course of action as you go!
Articles tell us that successful people plan their days; don’t let interruptions hinder their day; that they deal with priorities first - so what does that make us? Not successful OR human!
Remember the song ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’ by Bobby McFerrin? One line in the lyrics say, ‘in every life we have some trouble’, and I believe this is true for all of us, don’t you?
One of the most common questions in a job interview is ‘What motivates you?’ Whilst some of us may have our ‘go to’ answer for this to ‘please’ the prospective employer, what we aren’t addressing is answering the question for real – for US!
If the answer to any of these questions was “not good” and you either don’t know how to change it or can’t seem to do what is required to change it, then you almost certainly need some help.
Like the idiom ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’, sometimes we just can’t see things clearly because we are guilty of often over-analysing. Why? Because we are too closely involved.
After all we are our own worst enemies aren’t we? SO, how can we keep motivated and focus on the positive rather than the negative?
We are often taught at a young age that we must put others before ourselves. I know my mother always took the smallest piece of meat for herself, and if there wasn’t enough of anything, she was the one who went without. She didn’t seem to mind.
“Old age is like a bank account, you withdraw from what you’ve put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank.
Happiness can be a delicate creature. It has to be fed, nurtured and given attention. If we are too busy to nurture it then it grows weaker. In some cases happiness becomes so weak that it seems dead, but it is merely lying dormant until it is nurtured once more.
Yesterday I stumbled across a post that a friend of mine posted on Facebook, every now and again you read a facebook post that moves you, this is certainly one of those, Nathan is a pretty humble fella, so I asked him if I could republish his story on my blog websites.
We live in a complex world. We live in a world where we work hard, every day. Our weekends too have been filled with our internal ‘to do list’. When do we stop to think about others? Stressful lives have become the norm.
Such is the way my brain works these days, on more than one occasion I've been drawing parallels between sport and business. None of this is new - people do it all the time.
Maree Bryant - Potential UnltdWhen you waste time, you are wasting your life. If you fail to organise time, you defeat your ability to be successful.