Networking Mongrels

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Networking Mongrels

Danny de HekMongrel – definition – A mongrel, mutt, or mixed-breed dog is a dog that belongs to no single organizationally recognized breed and is not the result of selective breeding.

Now we know what a Mongrel is can you ask yourself “are you a networking mongrel” do you think you are a bit of a savvy business dog? and you just do what you need to do to get the work coming in.

Networking is certainly a great way to build your business. I personally attend 4-5 networking meetings every week, so it would be fair to say I can quickly spot Networking Mongrels.

As the owner of Elite6 Business Networking I know the importance of sorting a genuine business person from a networking mongrel as negative people bring a group down and bring an undesirable energy to our meetings. To be honest I think the main issue is that people do not understand what networking is all about.

Danny-ShootingI’m am a member of Rotary because I like giving back to the local community with my TIME. Most of the members are a little older than me and they readily share their wisdom plus I also get my best meal of the week there!

On Saturday mornings I organise mountain biking events at Mcleans Island in Christchurch. I do this because I like CONNECTING people. Most of the people attending the event are single and I feel I help them overcome their shyness and allow them to meet others with similiar interests.

Smallbore Target Shooting is my hobby. I totally enjoy the sport and sometimes I am very good at it! I go to the yearly AGMs and I’m on a few of their committees. I enjoy marketing a dying sport by using my Internet marketing SKILLS to promote the sport and connect New Zealand, Australia and many International target shooters.

It’s not what you know but it’s who you know right?? Why do you recommend other people’s products or services. Think about it – when you used them in the past you were impressed with their service. It was professional, a great job, no hidden fees and they were friendly and completed the job on time.

Networking is not about referrals and work in the first instance – its about bettering your business skills, developing meanful relationships and understanding the needs and skills of others so you can refer them successfully. In return they will do the same for you.

It takes time for people to understand you and your business. Use Business Networking to become a professional and the people that surround you will see that you do a good job and recommendations will come naturally.

Here is 6 tips to spot Networking Mongrels

  1. They collect a meaningless stack of business cards without ever connecting with the people.
  2. They try to make the “sale” at a wedding, networking event or first encounter.
  3. They talk and focus on their agenda rather than listening with interest to gather information.
  4. They intrude inappropriately and have short, superficial interactions.
  5. They walk over people and forget the value of taking the time to establish relationship and rapport.
  6. They get caught up in quantity rather than quality.

If you have had an unpleasant or uncomfortable networking experience, it is probably due to the abuse or misuse of the concept by a networking mongrel.

Don’t be a networking mongrel or you will turn people off and miss the magnificent opportunity of powerful networking.

By | 2016-11-18T12:29:08+00:00 Friday, 9 August 2013|Marketing|5 Comments

About the Author:

Danny de Hek
Like most people, I have many passions, goals and dreams. As a self made business professional, my focus is helping my clients, associates and friends, build, strengthen and maintain their success. It would be fair to say I am in the full time business of building relationships and feel my purpose and skill is connecting the right people with the right people. My professional work tends to dominate my personal life, to the horror of my friends and business mentor. They fully support me yet give me the hard truths when I need to hear this. I am always investing in my personal development to have a fulfilled work/life balance. I enjoy Target Shooting, Hiking & Mountain Biking to clear the brain and to take the guilt away when indulging at a quirky cafe for a cooked breakfast or brunch. My passion for travelling has seen me experience the world on many occasions, my next adventure will be doing the Tibet Rail Journey on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway from Lhasa to Golmud as long as they have Wi-Fi aboard. I have many goals I still wish to achieve but am pretty chuffed that I have accomplished so many of these already.


  1. 9 August 2013 at 9:13 pm

    It’s a good point Danny. Up until joining Elite6, I thought networking was full of the mongrels, with everybody just being interested in their own business. But that’s not the case with Elite6, I’ve discovered that it’s about people first. What I mean is, if you make genuine friends with the members, the extra business follows shortly. It’s great fun, I’m a networking convert; well an Elite6 one anyway! That all might sound a bit trite (cheesy) but it’s true of my experience.

  2. 25 August 2013 at 9:16 am

    Danny, loved your article on the networking mongrels, I have to reflect back and realize I was guilty of some of those things in my early days, e.g. pushing my own agenda. Elite 6 has helped me in so many ways because of the wonderful people who end up attending the groups. They teach, care and nurture people to help them to achieve their full potential, all within a very caring environment. I have learnt so much on my journey with Elite 6 and now endeavour to have my focus on how I can help others!

    Love what you are doing with Elite 6 and the fantastic growth that it is achieving. Your enthusiasm and energy helps us all! Thanks Shirley

    • Danny de Hek
      Danny de Hek 25 August 2013 at 9:20 am

      I think we all had that view when we 1st started networking! Thank you so much for your kind words it makes all the effort worthwhile 😉

  3. 7 March 2015 at 9:28 am

    These are some very good points Danny. At the end of the day, it is ALWAYS all about people. Sometimes in the fast, frenzied world of social media, telephone and online interactions, we forget. Thanks for the reminders. Cheers, Sonia

  4. 29 April 2015 at 3:40 pm

    Great blog and the other commentors have summed it up so well there is nothing more that I can add

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